Christian Life Groups
We are a congregation almost all of whom come from many areas of the country other than Florida. Many of us arrived here with no family or friends locally. The goal of this ministry is to actively connect us with each other as God’s family, nurturing our faith, enjoying social and learning times together, and making new friends within our congregation.
The Benefits of Joining a Christian Life Group
- They extend your Christian fellowship in small groups
- They foster conversations about Christian topics like: Martin Luther’s Small Catechism; Reading novels that expand your Christian views; following a video series; and much more!
- They help make new friends
- They are open for LLL Church folks, family, and friends
- They are offered on a variety of days and times
If you are interested in forming a Christian Life Group or joining one, please contact Mark & Jan Dahlstrom. Send an E-Mail to the Dahlstroms at JDhalstrom@tampabay.rr.com or cell: (813) 947-9789.
Important Links
Weekly Sunday Schedule
7:45 AM - Traditional Service - Abbreviated
9:00 AM - The Journey - Contemporary
11:00 AM - Traditional Service
9 AM and 11 AM Facebook Live - llivinglordlutheranchurch