At Living Lord you will find numerous opportunities to become involved in Ministry.
Below are some of the high-level ministry opportunities that you can participate in.

Our Christian Education Ministries provide roots and a strong foundation on which we grow in Christ. The Bible is our key foundation for learning. We believe that Christian Education is a lifelong process and offer programs for all ages and stages.
Come join us as we grow together in Christ. We have Christian Education programs for children, youth, and adults. Please click on a link for more information about each ministry.
The Evangelism Team’s mission is to spread the Gospel to those outside the membership of the Congregation and seek out the unchurched and new residents in our community as prospective members. The duties of the team are to make the Congregation aware that evangelism is every member’s responsibility.

Parish Life is responsible for emotional and spiritual needs of members and visitors, to develop, encourage and maintain active involvement in the life of Living Lord and to ensure that renewal and fellowship opportunities are available for all. The team is also responsible for gathering and keeping the historical record of the church’s events and activities.
The Property Ministry is responsible to maintain the facilities, equipment and properties of Living Lord by being good stewards and providing safe, clean, useable facilities for all programs and ministry areas.

Stewardship Ministry is responsible for promoting good stewardship practices within the congregation by utilizing the time, talents and treasures of Living Lord. The team challenges the congregation to support the mission and ministry of Living Lord as w0ell as the national church, missions, community service organizations and Lutheran Service agencies.

The Worship and Music Ministry is responsible to plan and coordinate with Pastor all liturgy and music for worship services, both traditional and contemporary, on an ongoing basis. This team also exercises general supervision over the worship teams, choir, handbell and chime choirs, band, vocal groups, operation of the sound system including computer operators and the altar guild to ensure that necessary training, guidance and coordination is provided to those participants so that all its elements enhance the worship service. Worship and Music serves as liaison between congregational members and pastor
Important Links
Weekly Sunday Schedule
7:45 AM - Traditional Service - Abbreviated
9:00 AM - The Journey - Contemporary
11:00 AM - Traditional Service
9 AM and 11 AM Facebook Live - llivinglordlutheranchurch