Evangelism Ministry

The duties of the Evangelism Ministry are:
- to make the Congregation aware that evangelism is every member’s responsibility
- to make the Congregation aware of the ELCA mission programs
- to enlist and train members to visit prospective members
- to maintain a list of all visitors to the Church
- to maintain records of attendees at church services and Sunday school
- to mail out welcome letters and other literature
- and finally to plan and execute a program for the assimilation of new members into the Congregation by organizing a system of sponsors and informal welcoming receptions
This team is also to identify and contact those members who become inactive and determine what if anything can be done to bring them back to the Church. The team also assists the pastor in shepherding Congregation members who are temporarily out of the local area.
In cooperation with the Parish Life Ministry Team, this team should also seek to deepen the faith and activity of our members. The Publicity and Communications Task Group provides members, visitors, and the community with timely information about the mission and activities of the church and its various programs through newspaper articles, advertisements, e-mail, social media, and the church web site.
Night in Bethlehem
Each December Living Lord Lutheran Church transforms it’s parking lot into a scene similar to what Mary and Joseph experienced when they traveled to Bethlehem for the census – A Night in Bethlehem.
This outdoor event is open to the community and will take guests back in time, as they start their journey by registering for the census. Then, they will tour the marketplace, where they’ll use their senses to taste, see, and smell what life was like when Jesus was born. In the marketplace families will have hands-on experiences in a variety of shops like: bakery, spices, wreath making, ornament deocorating, candle making, and the like. A Night in Bethlehem is a great opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. The experience is for the entire family; all ages are welcome!
Click the button to the right to learn more and watch a video from our 2019 event.

Trunk or Treat
Living Lord Lutheran Church held their second annual Trunk or Treat event on Saturday, October 26, 2019. Sponsored by the Evangelism Team, this activity is a great alternative (or addition) to the traditional trick or treat for Halloween. Think of trunk or treat as a Halloween tailgate party. Geared towards younger children, parents often feel it is safer than going door-to-door, you avoid many of the scarier costumes and decorations, and it’s easier on the littlest children as they don’t have to walk as far. Join us this coming October for our third annual event. .
Important Links
Weekly Sunday Schedule
7:45 AM - Traditional Service - Abbreviated
9:00 AM - The Journey - Contemporary
11:00 AM - Traditional Service
9 AM and 11 AM Facebook Live - llivinglordlutheranchurch