Parish Life Ministry

Parish Life Ministry
The Parish Life Ministry is responsible for emotional and spiritual needs of members and visitors, to develop, encourage and maintain active involvement in the life of Living Lord and to ensure that renewal and fellowship opportunities are available for all. The team is also responsible for gathering and keeping the historical record of the church’s events and activities.
Listed below are the teams that operate under the Parish Life umbrella.
Christian Life Groups
We are a congregation almost all of whom come from many areas of the country other than Florida. Many of us arrived here with no family or friends locally. The goal of this ministry is to actively connect us with each other as God’s family, nurturing our faith, enjoying social and learning times together, and making new friends within our congregation.

Faith Community Nursing
Faith Community Nursing is a specialized practice of professional nursing that focuses on the intentional care of the spirit as well as on the promotion of holistic health and prevention or minimalization of illness within the content of a faith community.
Living Lord’s Fellowship team coordinates, organizes, and oversees church-wide fellowship events (potlucks, picnics, etc.) as well as setting-up and providing the weekly coffee and cookie service before and after Sunday Worship services.

Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch will start meeting again soon at local restaurants for fun and fellowship. Occasionally they do field trips. The group invites women, men, friends and family to join them to experience delicious meals. In recent months they’ve had lunch at Whetstone Restaurant, Miller’s Dutch Restaurant, Leon’s House of Omelettes, The Grainery, and a member’s house for Christmas Pot Luck. Where will they meet next?
Stephen Ministry
Our Congregation’s Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential one-on-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. A few examples of difficulties could be: loss of a loved one, divorce or separation, hospitalization, spiritual crisis, unemployment or job crisis, terminal illness, incarceration and…

The Outreach Team of Living Lord Lutheran Church has a number of community projects. Some of our projects include:
- Food collection for Meals-On-Wheels.
- Infant clothing and formula.
- School supplies for local students.
- Shoe boxes filled with personal care items for the residents of Riviera Palms Rehabilitation Center in Palmetto, FL.
- Bake and Craft Sales for S.M.A.R.T.
- Angel Tree Christmas Gifts for Adopt a Family.
- Volunteer to serve at Our Daily Bread of Bradenton.
- Deliver alter flowers to shut-ins.
Important Links
Weekly Sunday Schedule
7:45 AM - Traditional Service - Abbreviated
9:00 AM - The Journey - Contemporary
11:00 AM - Traditional Service
9 AM and 11 AM Facebook Live - llivinglordlutheranchurch