Property Ministry

Property Ministry
The Property Ministry of Living Lord Lutheran Church focuses on maintaining and repairing both building and grounds (property) to provide a functional and attractive platform to share the good news of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Property Ministry supports diverse functions such as community concerts and meetings, worship services, bible study groups, health and exercise activities, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Pre-School, movie nights, confirmation classes, youth group, Easter Breakfast, and the Memorial Garden.
Living Lord is twice blessed to have a talented and full time Superintendent of Building and Grounds and many volunteers with varied skill sets and knowledge (both men and women) who volunteer their time to join the Superintendent in this ministry. To reach the property goal of “functional and attractive”, Living Lord members volunteer to do some of the work that the law and our knowledge allow. This leaves as much money as possible for actual church mission and outreach. When legal or knowledge limitations exist, qualified contractors are hired. Property Ministry, in this case, involves scoping work, preparing bid documents, evaluating bids, awarding work, work inspection, and approval.
Typical Property Ministry projects have involved Air Conditioning system repair/replacements, expanding storage to meet our growing needs, metal roof repair, painting, tree trimming, caring for landscaping, laying sod, replacing the youth volleyball court, adding electrical outlets, repairing leaking faucets and toilets, and expanding the parking lot.
Important Links
Weekly Sunday Schedule
7:45 AM - Traditional Service - Abbreviated
9:00 AM - The Journey - Contemporary
11:00 AM - Traditional Service
9 AM and 11 AM Facebook Live - llivinglordlutheranchurch