Worship & Music Ministry

We conduct three services at 7:45am, 9am and 11am each Sunday. The 7:45am service is an abreviated version of the 11am service. The 11am service is traditional with prayer, the reading of the scripture, a liturgical setting, and participation in the Eucharist. Organ and a grand piano are played for the music with a soprano cantor leading the hymns and liturgy. Near the middle of the service there is a sermon, typically given by our Pastor. It’s generally 10 – 15 minutes in length, and is delivered in a conventional style (i.e.not read word-for word). You can listen to some recent sermons on this site. There will be a Children’s Message with the pastor during this service.
We are currently offering a contemporary praise service called “The Journey” at 9am. This is a more relaxed and less formal worship experience. It features joyful music from the Praise Band, a meaningful message by the Pastor and communion. The Journey is live streamed on Facebook as well as in-person.
Light refreshments will be available between services at the east entrance door area.
The bulletins are not handed out but electronically sent to your home if you prefer to print out a copy. The words and the music of the service are displayed on the screens in the front of the sanctuary so you don’t have to be worried about getting lost. No hymnals are used at this time. Communion is given in a very safe manner and the procedure is explained to you before the start.
Our music ministry is multifaceted and seeks to incorporate the various gifts among us. We have three formal groups at present: a praise band (By Grace), a handbell choir (Jubellation) and our vocal adult choir (Chancel Choir). In addition, we encourage solos and small ensembles in our worship.
We worship with a variety of music, ranging from the Renaissance to the present with various styles used. Our Director of Music has given several jazz concerts for the congregation and the community in the evening with his jazz trio receiving many accolades. His experience ranges from classical to liturgical to jazz, thus enhancing the musical experiences.
The 9am Praise Band features singers, guitars, and other stringed instruments, percussion and keyboard. The music is contemporary and includes praise music from its beginnings to the present.
We welcome new musicians of all ages, as well as participation from our seasonal members.
By Grace Praise Band and the Chancel Choir are led by our Minister of Music, Thomas Pizzi. The Bell Choir Jubellation is led by Greg Fisher.
For more information or to volunteer your talents, please contact the church office or talk to Tom or Greg.

Important Links
Weekly Sunday Schedule
7:45 AM - Traditional Service - Abbreviated
9:00 AM - The Journey - Contemporary
11:00 AM - Traditional Service
9 AM and 11 AM Facebook Live - llivinglordlutheranchurch