Missions We Support
Regionally, Statewide, Nationally, and InternationallyAt Living Lord we have paraphrased Acts 1:8 …
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Bradenton/Sarasota, in all of Florida and the United States, and to the ends of the earth.
These are some of the local organizations that hold their meetings at Living Lord.

Alienated Grandparents Anonymous

Boy Scout Troop 191

Alcoholics Anonymous

All God’s Children Pre-School

Cub Scout Pack 191

Taoist Tai-Chi

Gambler’s Anonymous
These are some of the local organizations that Living Lord and its members support with their Time, Talent and Treasure.

Meals on Wheels

Riviera Palms Rehabitation Center in Palmetto

Our Daily Bread
These are some of the Florida organizations that Living Lord and its members support.


Luther Springs
These are some of the national organizations that Living Lord and its members support.

Novus Way Ministries

Lutheran Social Services

Souper Bowl of Caring
These are some of the international organizations that Living Lord and its members support.

Lutheran World Relief

World Vision

Lutheran Association of Missionary Pilots
Important Links
Weekly Sunday Schedule
7:45 AM - Traditional Service - Abbreviated
9:00 AM - The Journey - Contemporary
11:00 AM - Traditional Service
9 AM and 11 AM Facebook Live - llivinglordlutheranchurch